10+ Things You Probably Missed In Encanto
1. After Augustin Discovers Mirabel’s Secret he Can’t Sit Next to Julieta
Perhaps you noticed that the couple go from sitting close together at the start of the movie, and then suddenly they change to to sitting apart from one another. There is a significant event that creates this change. If you noticed it you have been watching very carefully.
At the start of the film, the couple was always sitting next to each other. This changes as soon as Augustin discovers Mirabel’s secret. After that, he sits apart from her, knowing that if he is to sit next to her, she will manage to get the secret out of him immediately.

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2. In The Movie Poster, Bruno Is Hidden
Did you notice Bruno hiding right at the back of the official poster of Encanto? Because at first, it looks like he does not even appear, and most people think he does not feature on the movie poster.
Yet, if you look very closely you can definitely see him hidden at the back. Next time you look, play find Bruno and see if you can locate him. He’s in the corner with his head down and he is wearing a cloak which is covering the majority of his head.

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3. They Each Have Their Own Plate
Each family member has their own plate. The Madrigal plates are not just randomly patterned plates. Encanto’s extreme attention to detail means that each plate represents a member of the family. Each contains patterns that point to the family member.
Each member has something that symbolizes them. Which, is shown by the patterns on the plates. And if you’ve been watching very carefully you might have noticed that three of the plates have the same pattern. These plates represent Mirabel, Augustin, and Felix who have no powers.

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4. Mirabel Sings in A Different Rhythm
Encanto is all about music. Everybody is listening to the tracks ever since it has been released and it’s literally topping the charts. So, if you have a very musical ear, you may have noticed this little detail. Because Mirabel sings in a ¾ rhythm whereas the rest of her family sings in a 4/4 beat rhythm.
Now, this little detail would be missed by many but it just shows how great Encanto is, its attention to detail puts it above way other children’s movies. And what’s the significance of this? It shows she’s not on the same page as the others in her family. It’s symbolic of their differing attitudes.

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5. The Outfits Signify Their Powers
Another tiny little attention to detail in Encanto is that in the Madrigal family, their outfits represent their powers. For example, the pattern on Julieta’s dress has a mortar and pestle on it, Abuela’s had a mountain design on it.
Camilo’s clothes have a chameleon on them and Antonio’s has animals on them. Each represents their special power. Again, this is just another reason why Encanto is one of the best new kid’s movies to date. These little details probably won’t be picked up on at first, but as you keep rewatching (which we’re all doing) you’ll notice more and more.

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6. Mirabel Has No Gift
Okay, this is something we all know. But as we have just discussed, each family member’s outfit represents their power. So, what about Mirabel? Her outfit has patterns that symbolize each of her family to show that she is connected to each of them. For example, as we saw, Camilo’s outfit has a chameleon, and Mirabel’s clothes also feature a small chameleon. There is something to represent everybody.

7. Augustin Honours His 3 Daughters
Augustin is an extremely proud father, so proud that he honours each of them in his outfit. He wears their symbols, one for each so there are three different symbols on his clothes to represent his different daughters. A flower, a sock with embroidery, and a sock with symbols.
These are for each of his daughters. It is easy to assume that the animation costume design takes less time and effort than a non-animated film. But this design team took it to a whole new level. And, once you know these little details you can appreciate Encanto even more.

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8. Bruno’s Image on The Tree Is Faint
If you have seen the family tree, you may have noticed (if you pay careful attention) that Bruno’s image was much more faded than the rest of the family. This is symbolic of the fact that Bruno feels detached from his family.
If you look, the rest of the family has bright and bold images on the tree. In comparison, his is very faint. It also shows that none of his family has repainted his image and has let it fade away. Either way, it is quite a sad detail to pick up on as Bruno feels more and more seperate from his family.

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9. The Shadow During ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’
We’ve all noticed the shadow in the background of the favourite song ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’. There is a shadow dancing around. But who actually is it? Well we aren’t actually sure.
There is debate whether it is simply just Camilo himself who is shape shifting, or whether it is actually Bruno creeping around in the background representing him hiding again. The director of the film, named Jared Bush, has not yet confirmed the answer because he enjoyed the debate from fans too much. But we think it represents Bruno in the background.

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10. Dolores Claps With Two Fingers
There are very small details that pay tribute to the fact that Dolores has super hearing powers – as we know she knows everybody’s gossip and business. For example, when everybody is clapping, she actually claps with her fingers. In fact, to be precise she claps only with her two index fingers.
This is because the sound is too much for her so she uses just her fingers so that the sound is gentler. The characters are so well thought through in this movie that each character has little details that pay homage to their personality.

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11. She Covers Her Ears for The Fireworks
In the part of the film where everybody cheers, the fireworks go off. Being highly sensitive to sound, Dolores has to cover her ears because of her super power which is he power of hearing. Of course, you can’t have extra hearing without normal sounds being extra loud.
This little detail often goes unnoticed but again it shows that no small detail has been left unturned by the producers of this film. The more you watch, the more you notice, and then the more you can appreciate the full depth of the film.

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12. Abuela’s Bedroom Is the Same as Her Bedroom with Pedro
Here is another specific detail in the movie. Abuela’s bedroom in the casita is exactly the same as the one that she used to share with Pedro. It is an exact replica. The patterns, bed, and even the location of the window is the same.
In fact, director Jared Bush responded to this by saying that the room of Abuela is very emotionally detailed. You have to look very carefully to notice this because it is not shown for a long time on screen.

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13. There Are Hints About Antonio’s Gift
As we know, Encanto is full of little details that are often shown for example in the clothes or on the family plates. So, Antonio’s gift is actually hinted at before we see it. In fact, it is even hinted at in the poster for the movie, well befire we find out.
We can see a tiger and a toucan on Mirabel’s dress, the family plate, and the gift box before his ceremony, all before we witness his power. Things in Encanto are never done randomly, all the details are connected. It is these small details that make it so special.

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14. A Hint to Frozen Lyrics
We love the Disney Cameos, and Encanto is full of them. They are very subtle and barely noticeable. In Bruno’s song, there is the line ‘Let It Go’ which of course is a nod to Frozen’s most popular and well-known song Let It Go.
And, we all love Frozen so the fact that Encanto references the movie makes the whole thing even better. It has been done purposefully as a connection to Disney and for the people who are either watching Encanto over and over or are paying very careful attention to detail.

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15. Bruno Grows a Plant in A Boot
Here is another Disney reference that you have most probably missed. We can see in the background in a couple of scenes that Bruno is growing a plant out of a boot.
Any die-hard Disney fans out there will know that the plant growing out of the boot is a reference to the Disney movie Wall-E. In Wall-E, he keeps the plant alive by growing it out of a boot. However, only a few fans have managed to pick up on this small detail so far.

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16. References to in The Heights
Has anybody noticed any kind of references between In the Heights and Encanto? Because there are a few. Most importantly, Olga Meridio, who played Abuela Claudia in ‘In the Height’ in both the film and the stage version.
So, if you thought this voice was similar but you couldn’t put your finger on why – this is the reason, she is the voice of Abuela Amlo in Encanto. Even the names are the same. This is a detail that if you hadn’t noticed already – you certainly will do now.

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17. In The Heights Lyrics
It turns out that Froze n’s let It Go lyrics aren’t the only film that features Encanto’s lyrics. There are strong similarities between Encanto’s ‘Welcome to The Family’, and In the Heights ‘It Won’t Be Long Now’.We love the fact that Encanto draws from multiple influences and references.
And, when Abuela shouts the name of Mirabel everything stops. Which, any In the Heights fan will know there is a very similar moment during the ‘it Won’t Be Long Now’ song. There are so many cross-references to pick up on, but most people will probably not even notice them.

(Image Source/ everyeyeconema.com)
18. Hidden Mickey Mouses
As we know, Disney films are full of little references t other Disney movies. And, a particularly prevalent symbol that features in many Disney movies is the iconic Mickey Mouse shape. It can even be seen in the likes of The Pirates of the Caribbean and unless you knew to look out for it, it would barely be perceptible.
And, as is tradition, Encanto also has these references. During the beginning of Isabella’s song, ‘What Else Can I Do?’, there is a cacti plant that is definitely recognizable as a Mickey Mouse head shape.

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19. Mickey Mouse Shaped Glitter
Again, there is another Mickey Mouse reference that only serious Disney professionals would spot because you would have to be on high alert to spot this one. During the song ‘Waiting on a Miracle’, there is a moment when Mirabel is dancing around her parents and on the floor.
The glitter forms the shape of a mickey mouse head. Again, this is just one of the many VERY subtle references and details that most people will certainly miss. Mickey mouse is the most referenced Disney movie character of all time.

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20. The Fantasia Reference
Here’s another Disney reference to spot next time you watch Encanto. If you look very carefully, there is a point where you can see a Fantasia reference in the background in Bruno’s den. Mickey’s iconic blue hat with stars on can actually be seen in a photo in Bruno’s room in the Casita.
Again, a reference back to Mickey mouse appears. One of his rats is in the framed photo in the background of the room and it can be seen wearing this very iconic blue hat. It is around an hour into the film, so next time you watch it you can look out for this minute detail.

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21. Tribute to Titanic
This is a detail that you may have noticed if you were watching carefully. There is a moment in the movie when the band of mules is going down in the ship, a clear reference to Titanic when the band goes down with the ship.
This is not only a movie reference but a historical reference as this was based on the truth. Encanto not only points to different movies but also important historical and cultural moments and references. Acknowledging the Titanic is one of the many influences in the film.

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22. The Three Children Have Significant Names
The three children who Mirabel sings to during the song ‘The Family Madrigal’ are all tributes to people who were important to the creation of the film. One of them is named Alejandra Espinosa, who helped with the Colombian history of the film.
Juancho is a tribute to Jose Velasquez who helped to stitch the dress of Meribel. And, Cecilia is named after the daughter of the co-director – Castro Smith. Being named after a Disney character would be a massive deal.

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23. Extra Detail on The Family
For this Disney movie, the directors wanted a particular focus on the family. This is because they did not want to focus on the main character and storyline and neglect the family. They wanted to capture a realistic portrayal of the complexities of family life.
To portray it as simple would not only be detrimental to the story but also to real family life. And so, they made sure that they developed each character and navigated the relationship between family members in order to create the story.

(Image Source/ Themichagandaily.com)
24. A Recurring Theme of Butterflies
You may have noticed butterflies throughout the film. It is not simply because the producers like butterflies, it has a meaning. It is a significant symbol in the story. Butterflies represent transformation as their life starts in one form and changes throughout to become something else.
The movie is all about the transformation of the characters and so you will see this symbol in a lot of different areas of the film. For example, on the walls, on a skirt, on a candle. Once you know this detail you will notice the butterfly as a recurring symbol throughout Encanto.

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25. Mirabel’s Glasses Match Bruno’s Eyes
The green of Mirabel’s glasses does actually have significance, as does everything in this movie. Everything has been thought out, from the colour of glasses to the little symbols and detals all over. Bruno can usually be seen wearing green, and his eyes also turn green when he sees his visions.
Mirabel and Bruno are both the outcasts of the family and this colour seems to reflect that whilst showing a connection between the two of them. The details in Encanto are never random, they have all been thought out to show some kind of connection between the characters.

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26. The Mortar and Pestle Show Julieta’s Healing Cooking
We know that the mortar and pestle on Julieta’s dress resemble her power. The mortar and pestle are symbolic of Julieta’s cooking which she uses to heal people. This is her special power and so it has been symbolized in the form of the pestle and mortar.
The pattern on her dress is very subtle, as is the link between the mortar and pestle and her healing powers. Most people do not notice this detail in Encanto. She also keeps lots of herbs in the pockets of her aprons to use in her cooking.

27. Pepa’s Sun Earrings Show She Can Change the Weather
Pepa, unlike some of the characters, does not have the same patterns on her dress that symbolize her powers. Instead, she wears earrings in the shape of the sun. It woud take concentration to have noticed this little detail, and most people probably did not.
Of course, this has been done specifically to resemble that her powers are changing the weather. Her dress is yellow and her ribbon is also yellow which again reflects the theme of the sun and her powers over the weather.

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28. Señora Pezmuerto Means Mrs. Dead Fish
This character never had her name actually mentioned in the film. But the director of the film called Jared Bush reveals that the woman who has a goldfish that dies is called Mrs. Dead Fish. It’s not a usual name, and not exactly a desirable name either. But, it is some added humour for those in the know.
Her name is Senora Pezmuerto, which literally translates ad Mrs. Dead Fish. So, this detail is not one that you can spot in the film but it is another detail that now you will know for the next time you watch Encanto.
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29. Bruno Recreates a Columbian FIFA Match
Again, Encanto really is a film with extreme attention to detail like no other. In the film, Bruno creates a football match between his rats. This is no random match; it is actually a recreation of Colombia’s 1990 FIFA World Cup match against West Germany.
The game ended as a draw after Freddy Rincón scored a goal. Encanto is full of cultural references but they are so subtle that it is not an obvious tie to history and culture. The subtlety is definitely a part of Encanto’s magic.
(Image Source/ Everyeyecinema.com)
30. One Hundred Years of Solitude Reference
Again, another cultural reference to Colombian writer Garcia Marquez who wrote the famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. In the novel, the story features a multi-generational family and it also features yellow butterflies.
Again, this detail makes Encanto even richer as it draws on the Colombian culture. Also, yellow butterflies signify good fortune as well as happiness and a good imagination. The movie ends with lots of yellow butterflies to show that good fortune is coming.

(Image Source/ screenrant.com)
31. Dolores Can Hear Bruno
Nobody knows what happened to Bruno. There are suggestions that he disappeared or maybe he was forced out because people shunned him because of his powers. Because he could tell the future, people assumed he made bad things happen.
And, since the rule is not to talk about Bruno, hence the song ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’, nobody even discusses him. But, actually Dolores does know. Because she can hear him with her power which is super hearing. She only reveals this right at the end of the movie.
32. Mirabel is a Mixture of Her Mum and Dad
The 50/50 genetics really are clear in this Disney movie. Because, Mirabel is a definite mix of both her mother and her father. She has the clumsiness of her dad, and she’s also powerless like him too.
Her mother’s power is to heal and while Mirabel has no powers, she has an ability. She does not heal people through magic or remedies, but she helps her family emotionally heal. Her kindness and empathy are just as powerful.

33. Julieta’s Useful Pockets
You may have noticed that Julieta’s pockets are always full. And, none of the other characters have pockets. This could pay homage to the fact that she is a mother and she always has to be prepared.
She aslo used them to store herbs to make her healing remedies. It is significant that as the matriarch of the family her pockets are full, a symbol to show she is a provider of her family and not only them but also for the community.

34. Isabella and Tangled
There are definite similarities between Rapunzel and Isabella – two females discovering their own path and independence. Not just the long hair and the flowers, but also the singing.
During the Encanto song ‘What Else Can I Do’, Isabella swings around the room on vines, which is just like Rapunzel in Tangled. Rapunzel uses the vines to escape her tower prison. The subject of the song about independence and fulfilling their own potential has string similarities.

35 Mirabel’s Lens
There’s more to Mirabel’s glasses than just the green matching Bruno’s eyes. The whole idea of looking through a lens is symbolic for being able to see something in a certain way.And Mirabel, see’s things in an entirely different way.
As we know, the family view things in one way, and Mirabel in another. She seems to have a different sense of perspective that allows her to see the whole picture. And so, her wearing glasses is not just a random addiction to her character. It is actually meaningful symbolism.

36. A Visit to Moana’s Island
Did anyone notice anything familiar during the song ‘Surface Pressure’? After Luisa breaks the Titanic ice berg, she starts surfing a wave to the shore. She’s on a tropical island. And, we don’t think that this is any old tropical island. It looks just like Motunui, the island of Moana.
As we know Disney films often pay homage to one another in different ways. And, Lin-Manuel Miranda created the music for both Moana and Encanto and he displayed an interest in making the world of Encanto similar to the world of Moana.

37. The Colombian Chocó Forest
Encanto is full Columbian influences because the film is based on Columbian culture. This is one of the reasons that makes the film so special. But, aside from the obvious influences there are little hints that many of us would never even notice unless it was pointed out to us.
When Antonio recieves his gift, he explores a Forest. This forest was based on the real life Colombian Chocó Forest. He meets animals, passes behind a waterfall and explores nature.
38. Luisa and Hercules Similarities
One thing that we love so much about Encanto is the fact that the strong, muscly character is portrayed by a woman. This is a Disney first. We are used to strong female Disney characters but the representation of physical strength in the past has been the male charcters.
She clearly represents Hercules in her ability to lift literally any load or weight. And, at the beginning of her song she asks aloud if Hercules ever felt like she did. Then, they end up at a Colosseum where Hercules is fighting Cerberus.
39. Under the Sea
Like we’ve seen previously, Encanto is full of hints and nods to other Disney characters and movies. And, this one is barely even perceptible. But, fans have been listening to the sound track on repeat (understandably) and so they have noticed the similarity.
The ending of the song ‘Two Oruguitas’ is reminiscent of the Little Mermaid song Under the Sea. The medody is quite similar in both and it seems to be a definite nod to the Little Mermaid. Especially since the music producer for the film is a fan of The Little Mermaid. You have to pay extra attention to hear this.

40. A Mary Poppins Moment
Who doesn’t love Mary Poppins. And, the method of flying away using an umbrella is so iconic that the producers for the film Encanto decided to use it too. Of course, another Disney reference to one of the all time favourite classics.
During ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ , Pepa’s mood change causes a string gust of wind which means that all the guests in the wedding take off into the air because they are all holding umbrellas. It’s a short scene but it’s a great tribute to the iconic Mary Poppins scene.

41. ”Worth a Shot”
In Moana, Maui at first does not want to help her in her quest. But, when he throws Moana into the sea, a creature spits her right back out again. At that point Maui declares it was worth a shot. And, in Encanto, Camilo uses the same phrase when Félix catches him out as he pretends to be Doloresso that he can get more food.
This is a definite nod to Moana and another parallel between Encanto and the other Disney movies. People enjoy the way the movies relate to one another an it gives you something to look out for as you watch.

42. Let it Go
As we know, Pepa thinks that Bruno ruined her wedding. But, it was never intentional at all and he was actually looking out for her and trying to help her. He says to her “let it in, let it out, let it rain, let it snow, let it go.” He believes she needs to embrace and acceot her moods and the weather changes and to be free.
Not only are the words very similar to Frozen’s ‘Let it Go’ but Elsa’s powers are also affected by her emotions. So in both movies, the power of weather are influenced by emotion. It is a clear comparison between the two movies to create connections between Frozen and Encanto.

43. Mirabel and Elsa
Another connection between the two is Elsa and Mirabel. When the song “Waiting on a Miracle,” is being sun, Mirabel stamps her feet because she feels powerless. But when she does so, the Casita appears from nowhere. During Let It Go, Elsa does the very same stamp right before the castle appears out of thin air.
There are many comparisons betweent the two. Two strong heroines who have the mammoth task of saving people and themselves and struggling with their own internal worries about feeling powerless. Elsa feels powerless over her powers. And Mirabel feels powerless in comparison to other people’s power.

44. Columbian Animals
When Antonio is given his magical gift of being able to talk to animals, he suddenly becomes surrounded by animals. But, these animals are certainly not random. They are a representation of the real animal life of Columbia.
Encanto is a Disney movie that has successfully managed to portray and celebrate another culture. And, it has stayed true to the Columbian culture. A Jaguar takes particular prominence as Antonio rides away on it. It is significant because there are extra efforts to protect Jaguars in Colombia.

45. Colombian History
When making a movie celebrating a culture, it is important to pay tribute to the history of that country. For example, Colombia have had periods of conflict and suffering. From the war pursued by Spain and the civil wars within Colombia there is a complicated history there.
There has been particular struggles with those living with poverty. When Alma and Pedro have to flee their home, it is acknowledging this part of the country’s history. Without, brushing over the fact that the country have suffered.

46. It’s the 60th Movie
Encanto Is Walt Disney Animation’s 60th Movie, which is a very grand feat indeed. And, now it will be known with this grand title. No wonder they pulled out all the stops to make Encanto.
It has so much detail and thought into the film that it will go down in history as one of the all time great Disney movies. The Disney movie before encanto (number 59) was Raya and the Last Dragon. And of course the first was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937.

47. It’s Set in the Colombian Mountains
Encanto is set in the Colombian mountians, in a little unique town . The whole film takes place in the South American country. Well, of course, it’s not literally set in the village in the mountains – however it is certainly based on it.
In a Disneyfied fantasy way. However, despite the fact that it is an animated movie it still has a sense of realism and authenticity and manages to capture the Colombian culture. It’s the first Disney movie to focus solely on Latin American culture.
48. Mirabel’s Voice is Stephanie Beatriz
Who’s the brilliant voice behind the well loved Mirabel. That would be Stephanie Beatriz. She does all the voice and singing for her animated character.
She plays Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn Nine Nine, where her character could not be further from Mirabel. Mirabel is surrounded by family and optimism, wheras Diaz is lonely and scary and pretty much everything opposite to Mirabel. But, she has a great voice in both.

49. The Second Disney Movie With A Non-English Name
Encanto is actually only the second Disney animated canon movie that has a non-english title. This is fairly suprising considering just how many Disney movies there are.
But, it is only in more modern times when Disney have really been embracing diversity in multiple ways and portraying different kinds of cultures. So, it is the second one. Suprisingly, the first was Saludos Amigos back in the 1940s. It translates as enchant in English but this would have strayed from the authentic Comobian nature of the film.

50. Luisa Was Lydia
Luisa was never meant to be Luisa at all. She was actually going to be Lydis. But this changed, and so did other things about her character. Luisa was initially going to be smaller. She would still be as strong, but they were going to make her more petite.
However, the character designers and artists had to fight for her to be bigger to show her strenght. As we discussed in a previous point, female Disney characters have never been portrayed in this way before. And that is something they wanted to change.