Things You Didn’t Know About Gavin And Stacey
It seems so long after that the final episode of the final season of Gavin and Stacey was airing – which made the news of the 2019 Christmas special all the more sweeter. If watching the special a few weeks ago has gotten you all riled up for another huge dose of Welsh comedy goodness, and if you’re planning another epic binge of the entire show, here are 20 facts about Gavin and Stacey that you didn’t already know!
1. Gavin and Stacey Was Originally Supposed To Be A One-Off Film
The original proposal put to the BBC was for the show to be a TV film, but the broadcaster said they didn’t have the right schedule spot to show it.

This resulted in the show being re-written to make it into a series charting the relationship of the leading couple. It would’ve been hard to fit so much comedy and emotion into a one-hour TV special!
2. Nessa Has A Real-Life Cult Following
In case you didn’t know (and want to join immediately), there is a Facebook group called ‘Oh, What’s Occurring?’ in honour of the show’s best character.

Fans also flock to Barry in real life, to visit the arcade where Nessa worked.
3. Someone Actually Lives in Stacey’s Mum’s House
On the show, Stacey’s mum has a three-bedroom house overlooking Barry docks. This isn’t a set piece or an empty lot – it is owned by a 54 year old woman in real life who had to live in a nearby hotel while filming was taking place.

Tourists flock to the house on a regular basis to knock on the door – and there’s always a peak in tourists before a Christmas special!
4. There Have Been Many Attempts To Take The Show Across The Pond
Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to make a US version of the hit show. The furthest that was achieved was six episodes being filmed, which eventually never made it to air.

It’s not surprising – Gavin and Stacey is that unique form of Brit comedy.
5. The Scenes Based In Essex Were Actually Filmed In Wales
Gavin’s hometown is Billericay in Essex – but that doesn’t mean that the scenes were shot in Essex.

Apart from one episode which takes place in London, the entire first season was filmed in Wales.
6. The Main Characters Are Named After Famous Serial Killers
Gavin and Stacey’s surnames – Shipman and West – are actually the surnames of Dr Harold Shipman and Fred West. Shipman was thought to have killed over 200 patients under his care, and West murdered 12 woman in the 1980s.

A bit dark for a comedy show, don’t you think?
7. James Corden Used To Date Sheridan Smith
The actress, who appeared in the show as Smithy’s sister, Rudi, actually dated him in real life.

The must have been pretty awkward to pretend to be brother and sister.
8. James Corden (Smithy) and Ruth Jones (Nessa) Originally Met On The Set Of Fat Friends
Remember that other great Brit show Fat Friends? You may not even remember Corden and Jones being in it, but this is where the concept for Gavin and Stacey was first discussed.

Corden told Jones about a wedding between an English groom and a Welsh bride… which prompted the spark of inspiration.
9. The BBC Editor Who First Read The Script Was So Distracted She Missed Her Train Stop
She was apparently so engrossed and impressed by the script for the first series, she missed her stop.

Now that’s a sign of great comedy!
10. Rob Brydon (Uncle Bryn) Would Entertain Cast Mates With His Impressions
Comedian Brydon is a fantastic impressionist, and he’d regale his fellow castmates with his impressions while the cameras were both on and off.

11. Ex-Prime Minister David Cameron Is A Huge Fan Of The Show
Cameron apparently loves the show, and even uses Nessa’s catchprases on a regular basis.

Who would’ve thought it?
12. The 2019 Christmas Special Was Almost Scrapped
Apparently, Corden and Jones – creators of the show – were struggling to find inspiration when they sat down to write together, and almost gave up.

Eventually, the idea formed and they managed to get it finished. Hallelujah!
13. Almost Every Episode Starts With A Phone Call Between Gavin And Stacey
Did you ever notice that?

You’re going to go back and re-watch to check now, aren’t you?
14. The Jamdani Hash Curry Dish That Nessa Ordered Never Existed – Until A Curry House Made It Specially
The duck, honey and lime dish which Nessa orders in the show was entirely made up. However, a curry house in Wales decided to create the dish and officially put in on their menu in honour of the show.

Let’s hope it actually tastes good!
15. The Elvis Convention Shown In The Series Is Actually A Real Convention
Although, in real life, it takes place in Porthcawl instead of Barry.

So if that’s your kind of thing, put on your blue suede shows and make a visit!
16. Nessa’s Dragon Tattoo Is Missing A Leg In Series 2
We’re all accustomed with Nessa’s proud Welsh dragon tattoo, but in series 2 apparently a crucial part of it was missing.

Ruth Jones has actually challenged viewers to try and find it.
17. Legendary Singer Tom Jones Is A Huge Fan Of The Show
Well, he is Welsh after all!

And it’s not unusual to be impressed by such a great comedy show.
18. Mathew Horne And James Corden Had A Huge Real Life Fall Out
The pair were firm friends the moment they had their first phone call before the show started. But when they began their own independent comedy projects outside of Gavin and Stacey, the pair’s friendship fell flat due to lack of success.

Thankfully, the pair reconciled for the 2019 Christmas special.
19. The Characters Are Based On People Jones and Corden Met In A Hotel Bar
When developing the idea for the show, Jones and Corden would people-watch in a bar and pick out characters that might be at Gavin and Stacey’s wedding.

This explains why the characters are so realistic!
20. The Viewing Figures Took A Massive Turn
When the show first aired, the figures were at 543,000 viewers. By the end of the third and last season, the viewing figures had increased to over 10 million people!

A true testament to comedy gold.